Friday, March 25, 2011

the grass

The grass is green today. It has been very rainy all the time. Now it is dry and sunny. The flowers are growing too. Some of them have bloomed. The chicks are growing too. They are getting big. by-Hannah

me sad

I ( Noah )  did not finish my school work; so I do not get to have a fun night. boohoohoo. the end

Friday, March 18, 2011


We've had a busy week working around the house.  Here is a picture of me and Hannah working on the rabbit hutch.

     This is my dad and me cutting wood for the garden beds.
 Hannah and I made dinner all by ourselves.  Not one person was in the house.  We made scrambled eggs, fried bologna and pancakes.  Making brinner (breakfast-dinner) was hard to do.  Our parents were outside making garden beds.

Thursday, March 17, 2011


                  Our chickens have been very busy!  Here are the eggs that our Golden Campine Chickens laid.  We almost have a dozen....this week.             
 This is Lucy.  She is my chick.  We got her Monday night along with 15 other chicks.  But, one seems to be dying.  We had to separate her.  Lucy looks different from the other chicks.  She looks like a different breed.  She is a Golden Comet chicken.
 We got 5 Golden Comets, 5 Buff Orpingtons and 6 White Rocks.  One of the White Rocks is sick.
 Can you tell which one is Lucy?  She's the second one! This is one White Rock, Two Golden Comets and One Buff Orpington.

The White Rocks have a little bit of grey on them.  They will be pure white. Here's the chicks in their first picture together.  They are all pullets....hens.  We know they are pullets because when you first pick them up after the hatch the pullets will put their heads down.  When you pick up a rooster, he will put his head up and kick.  They were hatched on Thurday the 10 and Friday the 11.  By Hannah