Saturday, April 7, 2012

Good Bye Pig And Pig

Well, we got rid of the pigs. We sent Pig and Pig to the butcher place where they will be butchered. I didn't mind at all that they were going to be made into food. Infact, I was glad there were no more pigs because when they left to be butchered, all the scrap food went to the chickens. I was feeling bad for the chickens because when ever you passed the coop with a bowl of food they would go crazy for it.

So, when we were going to put them on the truck, the male pig went in without a word. But the
female  pig was bad to the end. She ran and  squealed and jumped.  It took a long time to put her on the truck, but we did.

I think it will take a week before the butcher calls with our meat.

I got four more chickens. They are Americaunas.