Friday, April 1, 2011


This is me with my chicken, LadyBug.  She is a hen who lays about 1 egg a day.  She is a good chicken who likes to be held, but can get a little flappy with her wings. We have over 2 dozen eggs right now.  Guess we're having eggs for breakfast tomorrow.
 Here are some pot holders I made.  I made them for Ma.  The one with the big flowers works the best.
 We went to Slate Run and took a walk to the pond.  This is a yucky pond with algea.  We were looking for frog eggs.
 This is Thumper, my bunny.  I'm going to use him for 4H, BUT NOT FOR EATING!  He'll be used as a breeding rabbit. I'm going to get two does soon.  A couple baby rabbits will go to the fair to show as a meat rabbits.  I am having a pet show in this picture, for Mommy, Noah, Samuel and Eli.  

1 comment:

  1. He is so, so huge!!!!
    He is going to have fat kids!!
