Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Hunting for Eggs

Danny and Eli have been working on putting a floor down in the barn loft. Hannah is enjoying the view.

Naughty chickens are getting ready for bed.

An empty nest box.....hmmm....where are all the eggs?

If the nest box is empty it means we get to go on an Easter egg hunt. We find them in hay piles, brooder boxes, under rabbit hutches and inside cat houses. At least they lay in the barn and not the yard.

1 comment:

  1. hi Six! i saw your comment also on CAF.. i guess i'll start with saying that goat people can be a little "passionate" about their opinions about how to do things. my position is that there isn't one "right" way - its what works best for you.

    i'm seeing on your blog that you have real kids so it would be a fun project for them to help bottle raise a baby goat! so i'd say sure go ahead and get the baby when you can - there is no real reason to wait.

    some people use just regular, whole cow milk from the store to bottle feed their goat babies - which is what i would use. i would not use replacer, its expensive and not necessary. but some folks like it, again its what works for you.

    i would also ask the seller for a half- or gallon of the momma's milk to help transition the baby (we always give some). you can give the baby some goat and then mix some cow&goat then just cow milk.

    i have a post about bottle feeding goats - hopefully this will help you out:

    even tho people have strong opinions remember that the "right" way is what works best for you. the only other thing i'd say tho, is make sure your goat baby has another goat for a friend. they can be miserable and destructive alone. you can find wethers (neutered boy goats) on CL at a good price or maybe the seller has one for you.

    oh and i see you are in ohio! me too :-) you are going to do great with that baby! i tell people that if you can raise kids..then you can raise kids.
